Your Ducky Boy
                                               (Molly Ringwald)

Many a cold and dark night I laid awake, lustfully envisioning in bed,
                            That someday I would be lucky enough to meet that stunningly beautiful redhead,
                                   Even today, after many years have passed, it may seem somewhat seedy,
                                     To think from time to time I still fantasize about her and Ally Sheedy,
                                      I must admit in 'Sixteen Candles' I felt rather disturbed and quirky,
                                   When your grandparents felt her up and proclaimed her breasts perky,
                       Emotion overan my heart when during a John Hughes movie set in Saturday detention,
                    She ignored Anthony Micheal Hall and shot a very obscene gesture at Judd "spare" Nelson,
                         In 'Pretty in Pink' she befriended Jon Cryer with a demeanor that was so shy and coy,
                  There was nothing that I wished to be more at that time then her one and only "Ducky Boy",
                Eventhough it was long ago I still say her strawberry freckles and hair should be justly hailed,
               But I guess that won't ever be realized considering her last few movies and 'Townies' were failed,
                   But hey, I won't hold those few losses against her for she has succeeded far beyond any of us,
However, I'll never forgive her for making out with Robert Downey Jr. under a new bought batch of Angel Dust,
        The way they connected in 'The Pick Up Artist' was something so dramatic that I still haven't recovered,
           So I figure the only way to get her back is to slice off the head of a stray cat and hide it in my cubbard.
