Kill Yolanda Saldivar

Oh Selena, once such a beautiful and intriguing sight,
                                            Giving me dreams of babymaking under the pale moonlight
                                            I loved her style and grace more than mere words could say,
                                             And I adored those mounds of joy that filled out her bustier,
                                                      Even today while she lay very quiet and dead,
                                                      Thoughts of necrophelia still pop in my head,
                                          Unfortunately she was taken from us by a very troll-like fan,
                                         Who should be chopped into small pieces and thrown in a can,
                                          Or a ginsu knife death may even be to kind in this horrid case,
                                       As she awakens everyday to some prison beauty's loving embrace,
                                 Well I guess all dreaming aside there's only one way we'll never be apart,
                                That is with a very quick and lethal shotgun blayst right through my heart.
